DeTao Master of Technoetic Arts Professor Roy Ascott Visits DeTao Shanghai

DeTao Master of Technoetic Arts Professor Roy Ascott (middle) visiting Jacob Jensen Design | DeTao Shanghai Studio in CCIC Building

(Shanghai, Oct. 9th) On the afternoon of October 9, 2012, Professor Roy Ascott, DeTao Master of Technoetic Arts, arrived at Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts (SIVA), to visit the CCIC Building and the studios of DeTao Masters. Mr. Ivan Tao, DeTao Marketing Manager, welcomed the professor and accompanied him throughout the visit.

Professor Roy Ascott inquired of Mr. Tao the detailed information about DeTao Masters

Professor Ascott was fascinated by the wall of fame of DeTao Masters on the first floor of CCIC Building. After viewing the wall, he inquired of Mr. Tao the information on DeTao Masters. Mr. Tao gave a slideshow of the profiles of DeTao Masters, and focused on the Masters who are launching their courses. Professor Ascott expressed his hope to establish his curriculum framework at DeTao at an earlier date. In the exhibition hall, Mr. Tao showed Professor Ascott the works featuring pottery bowls designed by Professor Carlo Colombo, DeTao Master of Industrial and Architectural Design, and the models of suspension mountains designed by Professor Kim Jarrett and Professor Tina Hart, DeTao Master of Landscape Design and Themed Environments. Professor Ascott very much appreciated the creativity of Professor Colombo and kept taking pictures of the works that appealed to him. At the sight of the photography works by Professor Michael Yamashita on the wall, Professor Ascott said he was deeply impressed by these famous and influential masterpieces.

Professor Ascott visiting the exhibition hall showcasing the works of DeTao Masters

Mr. Tao also showed Professor Ascott around the studios of Professor Jacob Jensen and Professor Esslinger, which were already in operation. Mr. Marijn Beije, Assistant of the Jacob Jensen Design | DeTao Shanghai Studio, and Mr. Benjamin Cselley, Assistant of the studio of Professor Esslinger, gave Professor Ascott an overview of the studios and showcased some of the designs of the studios. In the studio of Professor Esslinger, the two newly enrolled students were intently sketching designs, which impressed Professor Ascott a lot. He congratulated Professor Esslinger and wished the students of his studio every success with their study.

Professor Roy Ascott is a pioneer and innovative theorist in technoetic arts. He developed the application of Internet in art and thus became a leader in the telematic technology of art application. He introduced cybernetics and telecommunications into the works of multimedia art. This contributed a lot to the development of multimedia arts in the UK and Europe.

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