
1970年4月22日 美国首次举办地球日活动

1990年4月22日 中国举办地球日活动

2015年4月22日 第46个世界地球日


世界地球日概念与20世纪60年代在美国开始酝酿,1970年由盖洛德•尼尔森和丹尼斯•海斯正式起,初衷为改善美国当时糟糕的环境状况。该项活动迅速成为一项全球性环保盛事,已在全球开展了将近半个世纪之久,中国自1990年开始加入世界地球日的活动中来,目前最主要的活动是由中国地质学会、国土资源部组织的纪念活动。今年国土资源部地球日主题为:“珍惜地球资源 转变发展方式 倡导低碳生活”(引自国土资源部官网)。







李若云教授 Prof. Kevin L. Erwin















【1】西雅图酋长(Chief Seattle)(1786年 —1866年),美国土著人,美国华盛顿州境内部落领袖,原名酋长希尔斯(Sealth),这中间因为一些口语误传,最后成为Seattle(西雅图)。美国西雅图市的名称也来源于此。




Make every day “Earth Day” by making a difference.

“Treat the earth well, it was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

This proverb by the great Native American, Chief Seattle, is not only appropriate for Earth Day but should be celebrated every day.

I was a university student in Florida during that first Earth Day, April 22, 1970. I can still remember the excitement on campus as people around our country shared their uniform desire to make the topic our environment a national priority.

At that time the US was suffering from wide-spread air and water pollution, industrial waste. That first Earth Day was the culmination of several years of efforts by volunteers to finally address our environmental problems. Since that time we have passed laws to clean up our air and water and also protect our wildlife and human resources. As a result, there have been many remarkable improvements in our environment over the past 45 years as we developed new technologies and industries for properly managing and restoring our natural resources. We have also developed environmental education and ethics that makes us think about the human and environmental impacts of our decisions.

Earth Day has now become an international event. It seems that everyone, no matter what culture or politics, wants clean breathable air, water that is fit to drink, healthy children, and landscapes that sustainably support our farms and wildlife. We must look for opportunities to apply our knowledge to solving these issues here in China and throughout the world.

Make every day “Earth Day” by making a difference.

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